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National Youth Convention (NYC)

National Youth Convention (NYC) is an annual gathering of thousands of STIers from different branches of STI. This program is very interesting for it targets not only the mentality of the students but also the inner skills and qualities that could help them have positive insights about their career and goals they want to reach. It was a great experience attending conventions like this 'cause it brings you to a different aspect of learning; learning which can't be taught inside the classrooms; learning which will take big part when we enter the real world. The speakers were really great. Every topic they delivered are very fruitful. I love how Mr. Arun Gogna spoke about standing out in today's world. Is it really necessary to stand out? Why do we need to? How can we make name and stand out of those billion people? Many people and minds are gifted with different talents and creative ideas that could change the world positively, but some people failed to be successful of what they do because they only think of theirselves.

Yes, we have our goals for ourselves. After accomplishing those dreams, we should remember that we're not in our limit yet; we can do more; we can be more. We should stand out; and for us to stand out, we should carry the world with us; not literally putting the world on our shoulders, but letting it be part of our success by creating developments for the people. What if we did everything just for ourselves and not for everybody? Who will appreciate our efforts? Who will be admired and inspired by us? Who will be motivated to be like you and me? How will we stand out without those people? Like what Mr. Gogna said, "Success starts with us; but it should never be about us.". Let's stand out not for our own sake, but for all the people of the world.

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