"Photography is for everybody"

I can't remember when I started to become interested in photography. What I just know is that I love taking photos and selfies with my friends, and I was dreaming of having photography business in the future, but for me, I can't be and can't call myself a photographer because I've never been into any training. Although my hands have wanted to find the angle of "this" and "that", take pictures of "these" and "those", then publicized after, I was not able to do it because of what I believed in. I was also afraid that my works will be criticized by anyone who would got to see them. I was thinking that they might give negative comments about it and tell me that I'm not an expert and I should stop trying hard; until I took Ab Comm.

I've met many people who are gifted with talent in photography. I was also amazed every time I see them doing what I like to do. Taking Ab Comm has given me an opportunity to be around with the learned ones. It felt like I was, then, authorized to take pictures to be publicized. As I was taking my second year of being a communicator student, I found out that I was believing a wrong belief. I just realized that photography is not only been done by the people who studied it for many years, but everyone who has feelings and something to express. If we think that this could be our way of telling the world what's in our mind and heart, and who we really are, we can do what I haven't done, we can speak to them through our soulful shots and meaningful arts.

I think it's not really a must for ourselves to be known and given with attention in this field, but to make our works interesting to the viewers. If people can't appreciate our works, let's not worry for our hearts and minds have understood us first before those people do. Like what Yousuf Karsh said, "The heart and mind are the true lens of camera.". Just right before those final portraits were seen by our eyes, it was captured already with truthfulness and sincerity by our hearts and minds.