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"Masterpieces Created by Masterminds"

Have you been into a situation where you want everything that happens to you would always be remembered and never be forgotten? Yes, there are cameras that we can use to capture planned moment, especially the happy ones. How about the things which we aren’t thought would happen? What about the heartbreaking dramas of our life? Are you that person who would, still, keep all of them although it had hurt you once?

I know not everyone will agree with me, but I believe that there are people, including me, who like to take their selves back from where and when those sad moments happened. Why? The reason is because it's not about what those happenings resulted them, but how do they look during those times; and sometimes, camera can't capture those; that's why, if there was scenario in my life that is very meaningful, 'though not everyone would do understand, I was thinking of painting the best scene out of it. I wish I could paint those times, including the people involved, the surrounding, and even the emotions. I wish I could paint what's on my mind. In photography, it was said that hearts and minds are the true lens of camera. For me, when it comes to painting, hearts are the brushes, minds are the canvass, and imaginations are the colors; these make up every pieces of our life. Painting is different. Through it, we can keep moments we don't expect to happen; which can't be likely done with just a click of camera. As what Pablo Picasso said, painting is just another way of keeping diary. I can narrate the story of someone's life.

It's not enough to just remember everything that happened and is going to happen 'cause we might forget them. I think it's also good to have masterpieces created by our masterminds that will be kept as living memories.



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